Download GSS and Tools
Latest Release of GSS: The source code of GSS 0.47 (with GSS-TechSim) is available at the download page. The source code of latest GSS version (0.46-p11) is availabl at the download page (approximate 1.6MB).Important! You should take a look at the Installation guide and fix the bug of PETSC first! To perform circuit/device mixed simulation, you need a patched version of the ng-spice circuit simulator, also available at the download page. For Developers:
GSS is under active development, users are encouraged to checkout the latest development source tree,
and all contributions are gratefully appreciated.
The development source code is managed using the git version control system,
and hosted at github.
To download the development source code with git, one can simply type
(with git installed):
Binary Releases of GSS: Win32 binary package of GSS version 0.46 with Cygwin run time dlls GSS-0.46-p8-Win32-Installer.msi (approximate 17MB). Please note that Windows is not a good platform for numerical computing, the Win32 port of GSS runs much slower than the Linux version, and you may encounter convergence problems with it. I highly recommend to compile GSS from source code under a Linux/Unix environment. Experimental release of binary code for Sun Solaris system with SPARC architecture, compiled with gcc-3.4.6. GSS-0.46-p8-Sun.tar.gz (approximate 4.5MB). You may need to add $GSS_DIR/bin to LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. More binary package is coming. GSS TOOLS: GSS is shipped with some useful tools. The early version of GSS didn't have its own pre-processor, the author had modified SGFramework so it can generate device model file in CGNS format for GSS. The Taurus TCAD suit (including TSuprem and Medici) developed by Synopsys®, use TIF file for data recoding and exchanging. GSS offers TIFTOOL (with GUI written by Tk) for parsing TIF file which contains device structure and doping profile. This tool converts TIF file to CGNS file so that GSS can import device model from TSuprem or Medici. Legacy Versions: The patched 0.37 version gss-0.37-p1.tar.gz(approximate 2.5MB), including source code, document and examples. This version contains explicit and implicit full HDM solvers. Note: Full HDM is not suitable for real work, it just for academic purpose. GSS: open source TCAD software. |